Lessons learnt

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wanted to post this entry for a long time but was taken off my feet from the hustle and rustle of meeting deadline, going overseas and coming back to meet deadline again.

Discovered this card while packing my stuff at home.

2008 marked the year where I discovered the importance and not to mention the joy of imparting and building a strong foundation of moral values in children. Those kids have a special place in my heart and the affection that they still shower on me when they see me this year puts a smile in my heart.

2009 marks the year where I look forward to seeing my students progress everyday (at least for the 2nd half of the year). One of my students once asked why do I not take leave and have a break. I replied that I look foward to seeing them improve. It sounds unbelivable but it's hard to describe the anticipation and joy in seeing them improve. (Although those around me are constantly inflicted with my complaints about them haha)

2009 also marks the year where I discover the magnitude of childhood education.

Many vices and habits once formed during childhood proves difficult to eradicate in adulthood and experienced teachers warned that once a person reaches adolescence, preaching and controlling no longer works. It is then vital to impart all important moral values and habits to a child.

Once you got the right moral values ticking, you don't have to invest much time, energy or money trying to enforce discipline and motivating them to learn.

I'm not sure what are the impact created on my students but through teaching them, I have learnt so many things. It is difficult to preach what I don't do and because I have to teach I have to do what I preach (its difficult but still have to try lah)

There are many other things that I have learnt this year including the temptations I have yet to resist, but the post's getting lengthy.

Hope 2009 has been a meaning and fulfilling year for all of you!


Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Childrens' Day

Thursday, October 1, 2009

After all, childrens' day is about appreciating who and what made us who we are.

We are trying to improve

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No dear, you can always change the way you lead your life if you want to.

I love my parents

I want to make my family happy

I lied

Some examples of my students' journal, and no I don't specify any topics for them. They are free to write whatever they want.

I'm happy for today

Monday, September 14, 2009

My kids just made me a very happy person today.

Before the holidays, I asked my kids if they knew the reason for the lack of homework over the weekends.

"We don't hand in our homework and Ms Tan is sad"

"Yes Ms Tan is sad but Ms Tan has decided to give this class another chance, I will assign you homework this holiday. Let's see if you can complete it and hand it up over the holiday. If you can, I will start assigning the class homework again."

At this point in time, the class actually cheered.(blink blink)

Anyway, I held little hope that most of them will hand in their homework, especially since its after the holidays, but lo and behold, most of them actually handed up their homework today!

Yes, Ms Tan is one happy teacher today.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Monday, July 6, 2009


Was looking for articles on abducted children when I chanced upon this. Apparently, when the role was offered to Angelina Jolie, she was hesistant to take up this role, as the thought of losing her children was much to bear.

This is the true account of the story from

Below is a newspaper article that I came across recently. The Mum was almost conned into giving a ransom in exchanged for her abducted daughter. Just so happens that the daughter stayed back beyond the stated time and did not inform her mother. It could have been worse, her mum could have been hurt in the process of sending the ransom.

Very important for parents to know their kids' whereabouts and for kids to inform parents on where they are going, who they are going with (contacts etc), time that they are coming back etc.

I almost fell prey to a scam

The Sunday Times
Lorna Tan
Like everyone else, I was relieved when the news broke last month that terror suspect Mas Selamat Kastari had been captured. Inevitably, the news brought back memories of how the nation had reeled in shock at the manner of his escape.

For me, it has a different significance. I can still remember exactly what I was doing on the day he escaped from the Whitley Road Detention Centre.

You see, on Feb 27 last year, my own world turned topsy-turvy, but it had nothing to do with Mas Selamat. At about 4.15pm, I received a call from my panic-stricken mother who told me that my daughter, who was then 15, had been kidnapped and that the kidnapper had threatened to kill her unless he received $50,000. My heart sank and I asked for details.

My parents had received a call from a man who claimed that he had my daughter. To 'prove' his claim, he got my daughter to speak to my mum. The girl who came on the phone was crying out for help in Mandarin. Incidentally, that is the language that my mum and daughter use to communicate daily. The girl said she had been abducted after school.

The man then took over the phone and demanded $50,000. My mum said she didn't have the money and pleaded with him not to hurt her grandchild. He dropped the ransom to $30,000, and then to $20,000.

My mum gave him my contact number. She tried calling my daughter but her mobile phone had been switched off. My daughter had said she would be home just after 4pm that day so the timing was uncanny. Both my parents were absolutely certain it was my daughter who had spoken to them on the phone.

After my mum called me, I received a call, presumably from the kidnapper, but he did not speak. Instead I could hear a girl screaming for help in Mandarin. I spoke to her in English and asked if she was hurt but she just kept on crying out.

I rushed to my parents' flat and called my cousin, who is a police inspector, for help. My husband was in Hong Kong for work and I figured it was no use worrying him at that point.

My cousin turned up at the same time that I reached the flat. I wasn't entirely convinced that the girl on the phone was my daughter. But I couldn't be certain that it wasn't her either. My instinct was that if it were my daughter, she would have spoken to me in English. But what if she had been warned by the kidnapper to speak only in Mandarin?

My cousin and I decided to call the police and her school. I checked through my mobile for the contact numbers of her friends to find out when they had last seen her.

Finally, I managed to reach one of her classmates who said that my daughter was still in school. She had stayed back later than usual as she was putting the final touches to her school project. I immediately asked to speak to her and she told me she was all right. And that was when we realised we had nearly fallen prey to a scam.

Looking back, my parents and I could have noticed clues that pointed to a scam. For example, the scammers initially identified my parents as my daughter's parents rather than grandparents. They could also have asked the 'abducted' girl for my contact number.

There have been many newspaper reports of scams here. Victims have reportedly lost thousands of dollars. Scammers typically prey on two emotions: greed or, in my case, fear.

In recent years, these conmen have become more creative. Most of the scams are financial in nature and fall under the category of Ponzi schemes which are usually well-organised. These are get-rich- quick investment schemes that lure customers by offering high returns. The returns, however, are paid out of funds from new investors entering the scheme.

An example of a scam that may prey on fear is phishing, where cybercriminals attempt to get you to send money or provide confidential account information. They do this via fraudulent e-mail which often have links to a website that looks like it belongs to a legitimate entity, but doesn't.

Here are two ways that phishing can be conducted:

· Beware of e-mail messages that urge you to act quickly, or your bank account may be suspended or closed. These e-mail messages often don't address you by name, but use a more generic title like 'Dear valued customer'. They also ask for account numbers, passwords or other personal information.

· Fraudsters can also e-mail all your friends and pretend to be you. One common trick is to send them an e-mail that would typically read: 'Help! Mugged and hospitalised in (name of African country here) while on vacation. No money. In real trouble. Can't pay my bills, being threatened with arrest. Scared! Send cash by Western Union!'

Some recipients might respond because the e-mail came from a friend's account.

To protect yourself, always exercise some scepticism when you receive such e-mail. Take your time to call the financial institution or your friend to check things out.

As for me, I'm glad my daughter was okay and that I didn't fall prey to the scam.



Sunday, July 5, 2009

Was doing some shopping at two BODY SHOPS outlets recently. Both asked whether I want a carrier or if it was ok to use my sling bag that I was carrying instead. Definitely a thumbs up for them . It beats having to stop the sales people from getting a carrier. Good for retarded people with slow reaction like me.

Mid year resolutions

Monday, June 22, 2009

I will make time for those around me.

I will be more organised and independent.

I will not expect people to do what I want, neither will I keep their faults.

Building something out of things that fall apart

Friday, June 19, 2009

Random pics from my mobile phone: Its nice chilling out at the chinese garden.

Nice view from the toilet

Anyway , back to today's topic.

Sent my printer to the servicing centre. Just 3 months after the one year warranty has ended.

Sent my DVD recorder(still under warranty) to the servicing centre.

Was downloading various software to rid my laptop(possibly still under warranty) of errors last night.

Would probably have to do something about my new camera SD card (does it come with a warranty?)too. I can't load the pictures into my labtop.I can only take pictures with my mobile phone camera now.

Even my bathing sponge(with no warranty) needs changing.

Had an accident at the swimming pool which resulted in an injured left hip(ok I'm not sure about the technical term) and a right knee oozing with blood. Was supposed to be body surfing on the water, more like body surfing the pool floor. Anyway, I went on to slide down the gigantic water slide so my injuries couldn't be that bad.


Things (even human beings),whether anot they come with a warranty are simply not built to last. We are slowly but surely dying /falling apart ,year by year, month by month, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second and yes moment to moment. Build something that last out of it while we still can. What are you going to build in your life?

Of East and West

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One of my colleagues intended to join me for the course in Taiwan but shortly after ,the taiwan course was being cancelled.

More time devoted to other activities then!

Took them with my new camera. My old camera is still sadly missing.

Intended to visit the Da Vinci exhibition alone when a friend smsed me about the Kanxi exhibition. In the end, we went to the Da Vinci exhibition in the morning, caught the Van Gogh at the Omni Theatre at 1p.m, continued with the Da Vinci exhibition after lunch and only left the science centre at about 4p.m where we proceed with the exhibition of The Kanxi Emperor .Yes, the Da Vinci Exhibition is that comprehensive!

Alot of hard work definitely went in to create the visually stunning, interactive , mind enriching and comprehensive exhibition. It took 10 years to create!

After the exhibition, I cannot help but marvel at the pure genius and dedication of Da Vinci. Definitely looked at his pieces with new eyes , understanding and appreciation.

Before that, I simply could not comprehend about the big hoo ha around the famous painting Mona Lisa.

It must be noted that many of his work remained hidden for quite some time after his death. He was an artist, scientist, inventor, sculptor, musician, mathematician, engineer and architect , amongst so many other things.

The exhibition is definitely highly recommended. Don't worry about it being too arty farty, even a bimbo like me enjoyed myself throughly.

Blast to the past

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Before we travel back, something that our graduating brownies gave us before they step down.

I'm not really sure what they mean by saying choc and me are like mothers to them..hmm...
But most of them were already responsible girls when they came in. Even the one who seemed kind of sluggish were able to rise to the occassion. Perhaps kids like being given responsibility and the fact that they are doing it as a group probably enhance their experience.
What we asked them to do were to design activities for the younger brownies. I will simply act as an observer and give them feedback at the end of the session. I must praise their effort both in designing the activities as well as the effort in improving based on the feedback given.
They play a big part in motivating me to take on a cca which requires a lot of hard work and planning from the teachers.
Ok back to the topic.
Another of my student from last year used a hand made wrapping paper to wrap a present for me. She is going back to India. I'm quite surprised , considering that I'm not teaching her this year. However, considering the wonderful parents that she have, I should not be surprised. See http://cottontailpuff.blogspot.com/2008/12/misconceptions-about-teaching.html
The student was already a wonderful child to begin with, yet the parents were gracious and humble to thank me for teaching their child.
Some time back last year, I mentioned that a student gave me a card saying that her mother is pleased with her change in behaviour.
I haven't seen her for quite some time, after teaching her last year. Recently, she joined the Brownies. What a change I see in her, and not a good one as that. I discussed it with another colleague. Well....I supposed sometimes when change occur, it can be hard to maintain in children especially when there are many external influences bombarding them. In order for change to last, support from those in close proximity with the child, i.e. the parents. must come in .

Preventing Sinus Infection

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nope, I'm not having one of the dreaded infection again. Was having frequent bouts of sinus infections last year.

For those not in the know, sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. A sinus infection can cause a headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area, or on one side of the head. A person with a sinus infection may also have a cough, a fever, bad breath, and nasal congestion with thick nasal secretions. (http://www.emedicinehealth.com/sinus_infection/article_em.htm)

For me, it wasn't detected during initial diagnosis at the clinic. It seemed like a normal serious flu that just would not go away. The pressure on one side of my head got so bad I couldn't sleep properly as I will be awaken by the pain when I toss to the "pressured side".

Not sure what was the exact cause but I do have a sensitive nose. A sensitive nose is one which is constantly blocked or running. For me, its just frequently blocked.

Tried using the nasal spray but somehow it didn't seemed to work for me.(maybe I'm not diligent enough?) I still had frequent bouts of sinus infections.

Recently, I came across an article saying that those with sensitive nose should stay away from coffee, beef, milk, eggs, orange juice, peanuts, seafood, cold beverages and food with artificial colourings. I have also attended a course which the speaker mentioned that milk tends to cause respiratory problems.

So far, I have tried to avoid food with milk and eggs, as well as cold beverages(I'm a vegetarian so avoiding seafood and beef is not an issue for me). I have also stayed away from artificial flavourings and colourings. Its not easy since most food have them. So far, I have not had any more sinus infections. Of course, it could also be due to other unforsee variables.Those who are prone to sinus infections may like to try avoiding the above food. =)

Morale boost

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A bit backdated..yes yes I am slow.

A morale boost from a parent who brings her child to the teaching class where I volunteer at. Nothing spectacular just an expression that she shares the same goal for her child and the affirmation that the class is beneficial . Its good enough for me.

In the class, other than another teaching partner, we also have parents volunteers to help out in the class. Recently, a few of the teachers started utilising IT resources to conduct lessons. I started making powerpoint slides and showed videos to aid my teaching. I was a bit apprehensive. Yes, it is common within the school to enhance teaching using IT resources, but here at the place where I volunteer, its probably something new. I was wondering how the parents sitting in would react. So far, responses have been positive and I'm more confident in using it in the class .


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Going to Taiwan for a second time.

Difference being this time I'll be there for a course and I'll be going alone.

Jaded teacher

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sometimes, when I am frustrated with my students' work, I will remind myself the enthusiasm that they show when they want to answer a question which they are confident in getting right. I will remind myself the delight that they showed when they read encouraging remarks. I will remind myself that no students want to do badly. They just don't know the way to do well yet.

Earth Hour Part 2

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Was doing a lesson on Earth Hour with my students.

They are so tickled by the hong kong version of Earth Hour...Kids....=) I was trying to illustrate that other countries are active in their part in conserving the earth's resources.

Went to do an informal poll on how many of them actually voted for Earth on 28th March 2009. Not all voted but more than what I have expected already. Thank you students. Thank you to the parents who were willing to let them vote. =)

曲/詞/編/監/主唱: 林一峰

藏於天空每點星光仍有待浮現褪掉白晝每分喧嘩來 齊看夜還完漁村星火撒於淺灘鱗光水裡閃腳步慢了萬里漆黑銀河 

終於可見Lai lai lai laiLai lai lai laiLight up your dreams閉起雙眼用心看一看你面前留於心中半點燭光陪我抱你入眠Lai lai lai laiLai lai lai laiLight up your dreams閉起雙眼用心看一看你面前Lai lai lai laiLai lai lai laiLight up your dreams閉起雙眼認真看一看這樂園留於心中半點燭光陪我抱你入眠甦醒於恬靜呼吸一線曙光吻你的臉

Earth Hour

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Its Earth Hour today.
Are you ready?


For the first time in history, people of all ages, nationalities, race and background have the opportunity to use their light switch as their vote – Switching off your lights is a vote for Earth, or leaving them on is a vote for global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH and reach the target of 1 billion votes, which will be presented to world leaders at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009.
This meeting will determine official government policies to take action against global warming, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol. It is the chance for the people of the world to make their voice heard.Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007, when 2.2 million homes and businesses switched off their lights for one hour. In 2008 the message had grown into a global sustainability movement, with 50 million people switching off their lights. Global landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome’s Colosseum, the Sydney Opera House and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square all stood in darkness.In 2009, Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of 1 billion people switching off their lights as part of a global vote. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have pledged their support to VOTE EARTH during Earth Hour 2009, and this number is growing everyday.We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.VOTE EARTH by simply switching off your lights for one hour, and join the world for Earth Hour

Hit and Run

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What kind of day was it? Actually , I can't remember at all. Was it sunny, windy or cloudy? Truth is I was probably too absorbed in my grouchiness and self pity in needing to go back to school during the school holidays to notice the weather.

Upon arriving in school, probably still clouded by my grouchiness, I did not take note in where my steps have taken me.

Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound. Being retarded, it took some time for me to stop and retraced my steps. I couldn't make out what I had stepped on.

"Its a snail," my colleague enlightened me.

So you can imagine the damage that was done to cause the snail to be beyond recognition.

I walked back to my office.

After telling a colleague who sits near me what had happened, we took some paper , intending to bury the snail if it was dead or do whatever we could to salvage the damage.

Alas, the snail was cleared by a cleaner when we went back to the place of incident.

The poor snail, no voice to scream for help and too slow to try and escape. Imagine if glass was crushed on your body, probably that's what the snail felt when I stepped on its shell and its shell was cracked and crushed into its body.

I couldn't think of anything else to do for the snail except to utter a word of prayer and pay more attention to where I was walking in the future.

Translated version

Monday, March 9, 2009

Was looking through the book which I mentioned in the earlier post . At the back of the book is a self assessment for students.

I translated the assessment for the first verse into English. My standard of English seems to be off these days...so the translation might be quite bad. Feel free to amend and use it for your students

When my parents/elders /elders call me, I answer them straight away.
When they ask me to do something, I do it quickly.
When my parents/elders instruct or teach me, I listen respectfully
When my parents/elders /elders reproach me, I do not talk back. I explain to them respectfully. If I am wrong, I admit my mistake. I try hard to change and improve myself.

What have I been doing?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Back when I was just an ignorant Nus undergrad, I told a friend that my dream was to build a school in a third world country. It would not be like other schools but one that emphasises on moral values . Now that I'm volunteering at a place which teaches confucius teaching, it dawns on me that I'm closer to where I wanted to be. The organisation just celebrated its 10th year anniversary which means that when I had my dream back then, the school has already existed just that I did not know of its existence!

New News

Something happened yesterday and I'm very excited about it.

But first , let me introduce a book (DZG) that I have been using to teach my students.

There are many versions to this book, the one that I'm handing out to my students has been kindly translated and printed into an English version by some very kind souls. I don't have a picture of it now and I have stocked the books in school.

Frankly, I'm learning it myself. I used to think I'm someone with Ok moral values when in reality I'm far from it.

But what's the thing that has got me so excited?

Yesterday, there was a sharing by principals and teachers on DZG which unfortunately I did not attend. But from what I heard from those who did attend, many schools are already making it part of their curriculum! They now have it in English and Malay versions. Tamil version coming up soon? A Malay parent expressed that her child has really changed for the better ever since she was exposed to DZG. Of the schools that is making it part of the curriculum include christian affiliated school. St Nicholas Girls is involved in printing one of the textbooks sold in Popular!

St Nicholas is involved in printing this text book!

Malaysia has already started this in their country with Malay version of DZG

I really hope my school will join on the wagon soon! I''m really bad at pushing this in my school. In fact, I think I'm not doing anything to push this to my school. Shall work harder in teaching it in my class!


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Am looking forward to the coming March Holidays!

Am so lost in the avalanch of work that somethings I forget my priorities and goals. Will aim for some quiet time even when school reopens. =)

My colleague was so tickled by what my kid wrote in her composition....Boy saves a cat from a big dog. Robber comes up to the boy and demands money from the poor boy. Grateful and herioc cat sprang onto the robber and scratched his face. Robber ran screaming away while the dog chased him till he reached home where the robber told his exciting story to his mother.

Sometimes I forget to take delight in the kids' work.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education.

He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"

He reminded the other dinner guests what they say about teachers: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Bonnie. Be honest. What do you make?"

Bonnie, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...) "Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could. I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor. I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental. You want to know what I make?"

(She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table.) ''I make kids wonder. I make them question. I make them apologize and mean it. I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions. I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't everything. I make them read, read, read. I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator. I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know in English while preserving their unique cultural identity. I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe. I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, One Nation Under God, because we live in the United States of America. Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life."

(Bonnie paused one last time and then continued.) "Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant... You want to know what I make? I MAKE A DIFFERENCE . What do you make Mr. CEO?"

His jaw dropped, he went silent.

We Share

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sometimes I can spend quite a substantial amount of time creating resources . Sometimes I pass and share it with my fellow colleagues. Actually, its for a very simple reason. What if i suddenly die or decide not to be a teacher? Then at least it will not be sitting in my hard disk collecting dust.

Ring Ring

Saturday, January 31, 2009

She didn't hand in her work and was constantly distracted in school.

Called her mother.

The same thing happened on the following day.

Called her mother.

Call was disconnected.

Dialled her house number.

No one picked up her call.

Emailed her parents.

Mail was bounced back. (Maybe typed in the wrong email)

Sms her mother.

Finally, her attitude changed and what a drastic change.

No longer was she distracted, she handed in her work promptly and it was all neatly done.

Ahh...the power of parents' involvement?

But according to my other colleague, her attitude remains the same for their lessons....hmmm...maybe its time to have a talk with her again

Just highlight it

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Something has gone wrong with my blog. If you can't read it just highlight the empty portion with your mouse.

Caning Kids

Some readers are arguing that kids should not be caned and that it will injure their self esteem etc...while others felt that it was acceptable when it was meted with a calm and reasoned state of mind...

If people can accept that individual personalities exist.
If people can accept that differentiated teaching must be implemented.
I don't see why people cannot accept differentiated disciplinary actions.

I had a student
I used the soft approach
I used the hard approach
Yet everytime I asked him whether he knows his mistakes
He will say he doesn't know what was his mistakes and kept on repeating his mistakes

Yet when I said I was going to bring him down to see the person who has the authority to cane him...Miraculously he could list out the mistakes he has commited . He went crying and begging for a second chance...

There are children where reasonings and a stern look or scolding will make them understand and deter them from mistakes...while..ahem...then there are Others.

If the child can be taught proper behaviours just by reasoning with him or her, well that's great. If not, well, you just have to resort to alternate ways. If you know that your child will become more rebellious if you beat him/her ,stop it then !

I just can't see why people cannot understand the fact that each child is different and that there must be a one for all method. Each child has his/her unique personality that may be further shaped by the environment. Don't assume what works for your child will work for others too.

There was once an old lady who was asked how was she able to discipline her grandchild(or was it her child) so well..she said she simply beat him and added

Meaning when you discipline the child , you are able to control the severity of the punishment.

If the child is left undisciplined , he may just end up beaten to death by others.