New News

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Something happened yesterday and I'm very excited about it.

But first , let me introduce a book (DZG) that I have been using to teach my students.

There are many versions to this book, the one that I'm handing out to my students has been kindly translated and printed into an English version by some very kind souls. I don't have a picture of it now and I have stocked the books in school.

Frankly, I'm learning it myself. I used to think I'm someone with Ok moral values when in reality I'm far from it.

But what's the thing that has got me so excited?

Yesterday, there was a sharing by principals and teachers on DZG which unfortunately I did not attend. But from what I heard from those who did attend, many schools are already making it part of their curriculum! They now have it in English and Malay versions. Tamil version coming up soon? A Malay parent expressed that her child has really changed for the better ever since she was exposed to DZG. Of the schools that is making it part of the curriculum include christian affiliated school. St Nicholas Girls is involved in printing one of the textbooks sold in Popular!

St Nicholas is involved in printing this text book!

Malaysia has already started this in their country with Malay version of DZG

I really hope my school will join on the wagon soon! I''m really bad at pushing this in my school. In fact, I think I'm not doing anything to push this to my school. Shall work harder in teaching it in my class!