Of East and West

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One of my colleagues intended to join me for the course in Taiwan but shortly after ,the taiwan course was being cancelled.

More time devoted to other activities then!

Took them with my new camera. My old camera is still sadly missing.

Intended to visit the Da Vinci exhibition alone when a friend smsed me about the Kanxi exhibition. In the end, we went to the Da Vinci exhibition in the morning, caught the Van Gogh at the Omni Theatre at 1p.m, continued with the Da Vinci exhibition after lunch and only left the science centre at about 4p.m where we proceed with the exhibition of The Kanxi Emperor .Yes, the Da Vinci Exhibition is that comprehensive!

Alot of hard work definitely went in to create the visually stunning, interactive , mind enriching and comprehensive exhibition. It took 10 years to create!

After the exhibition, I cannot help but marvel at the pure genius and dedication of Da Vinci. Definitely looked at his pieces with new eyes , understanding and appreciation.

Before that, I simply could not comprehend about the big hoo ha around the famous painting Mona Lisa.

It must be noted that many of his work remained hidden for quite some time after his death. He was an artist, scientist, inventor, sculptor, musician, mathematician, engineer and architect , amongst so many other things.

The exhibition is definitely highly recommended. Don't worry about it being too arty farty, even a bimbo like me enjoyed myself throughly.