Before we travel back, something that our graduating brownies gave us before they step down.
I'm not really sure what they mean by saying choc and me are like mothers to them..hmm...
But most of them were already responsible girls when they came in. Even the one who seemed kind of sluggish were able to rise to the occassion. Perhaps kids like being given responsibility and the fact that they are doing it as a group probably enhance their experience.
What we asked them to do were to design activities for the younger brownies. I will simply act as an observer and give them feedback at the end of the session. I must praise their effort both in designing the activities as well as the effort in improving based on the feedback given.
They play a big part in motivating me to take on a cca which requires a lot of hard work and planning from the teachers.
Ok back to the topic.
Another of my student from last year used a hand made wrapping paper to wrap a present for me. She is going back to India. I'm quite surprised , considering that I'm not teaching her this year. However, considering the wonderful parents that she have, I should not be surprised. See
The student was already a wonderful child to begin with, yet the parents were gracious and humble to thank me for teaching their child.
Some time back last year, I mentioned that a student gave me a card saying that her mother is pleased with her change in behaviour. I haven't seen her for quite some time, after teaching her last year. Recently, she joined the Brownies. What a change I see in her, and not a good one as that. I discussed it with another colleague. Well....I supposed sometimes when change occur, it can be hard to maintain in children especially when there are many external influences bombarding them. In order for change to last, support from those in close proximity with the child, i.e. the parents. must come in .
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