Building something out of things that fall apart

Friday, June 19, 2009

Random pics from my mobile phone: Its nice chilling out at the chinese garden.

Nice view from the toilet

Anyway , back to today's topic.

Sent my printer to the servicing centre. Just 3 months after the one year warranty has ended.

Sent my DVD recorder(still under warranty) to the servicing centre.

Was downloading various software to rid my laptop(possibly still under warranty) of errors last night.

Would probably have to do something about my new camera SD card (does it come with a warranty?)too. I can't load the pictures into my labtop.I can only take pictures with my mobile phone camera now.

Even my bathing sponge(with no warranty) needs changing.

Had an accident at the swimming pool which resulted in an injured left hip(ok I'm not sure about the technical term) and a right knee oozing with blood. Was supposed to be body surfing on the water, more like body surfing the pool floor. Anyway, I went on to slide down the gigantic water slide so my injuries couldn't be that bad.


Things (even human beings),whether anot they come with a warranty are simply not built to last. We are slowly but surely dying /falling apart ,year by year, month by month, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second and yes moment to moment. Build something that last out of it while we still can. What are you going to build in your life?