Don't trash people with no passion

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Was reading a comment from a person thrashing and urging "passionless"people not to teach....

Looking at me now, I don’t think anyone would have guessed that I joined teaching just to “try it out” .

In fact , one of my friends even commented that her friend with REAL PASSION did not get accepted when I got accepted into teaching.

A good teacher does not guarantee the ability to mould a student simply because of a crucial factor call “chemistry” or “affinity” or whatever you may choose to call it. The person who you are thrashing and termed “not fit to be a teacher” might be one who have enough “chemistry” with the “rascal” that no one is able to touch.

Similarly, someone who joined teaching not because it is his or her calling does not indicate that he or she will not teach in the future with a passion.

I'm writing this because I do not want people who may have the ability to help others to be discouraged from teaching. We may be prejudiced and look down on these people but really that's just our own shortsightedness and prejudice.

Please don’t discourage others from joining .If you are still interested , read on. If not, this is the end of the post.

I guess on and off, teaching was on my mind esp during the history lessons in secondary school. By uni, i just put it off. For some reasons, I just decided to give it a try after grad, I got accepted and thought hey I could just try it for contract. During my contract days, admist the unpleasant encounters and heavy load, I find myself enjoying teaching.