Who Do I love?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


The programme produced by CCTV shows how convicts are willing to reform because of filial piety.
It may sound very cliche but its true.

In the article, also from the same prison, it tells the story on how a convict wandered off the stray path because of the lack of care and concern given by his parents. His grandmother helped to take care of him but it wasn't enough. Eventually , the reason for his reform is again attributed to his love and understanding of his mother.

 大明重病住院。他妈得知消息后,从一百多里外的县城匆匆地赶到了医院。听医生说,大明手术后需要输血,她便不顾自己体质虚弱,毫不犹豫地挽起了袖子……。  Da Ming was seriously ill. Upon knowing that he needed a blood tranfusion for an operation, she agreed despite of her bad health.

对大明来说,只要有人与他提起他妈,他的头总是摇得像拔浪鼓,只叫快换台。大明真的恨透了他妈,他永远也忘不了十几年前的那天。那是一个朔紧吹的日子,奶奶抱着高烧未退的大明,坐在法庭那冰冷的排椅上,听爸爸说:“生意忙,孩子又小,我照顾不了他。”“我有工作……”。妈妈紧接着说。此时的大明觉得自己简直是一个乒乓球,被爸妈推来推去,谁也不愿留在他的身边。从此,爸妈的话像火烙一样印在了大明幼小的心里,因此,他恨爸妈。  无奈大明只好跟随奶奶过日子。 Whenever the topic of his mother comes up in conversations, Da Ming would change the topic. He hated his parents. More than ten years ago, he had a high fever. His grandmother carried him outside the court.

"Business is busy, he is so small, I can't take care of him,"said his father.
"I have my job,"his mother continued quickly.

At this moment, Da Ming felt like a ping pong ball that was being passed back and forth between his parents. Nobody was willing to stay by his side. The short conversation left an inerasable mark in his young heart. From then onwards, he hated his parents and followed his grandmother without much choice.

一天天长大的他,由于失去了爸妈的呵护、疼爱和教育,他开始逃学,与社会上一些不务正业的人交往,学会了抽烟、喝酒……整日里无所事事,放荡不羁。在一次群殴中出了人命,大明被判刑入狱。He grew up without the love , care and teachings of his parents. He began to skip school and started mixing with bad company, picking up smoking and drinking. Finally, in a fight, someone was killed. He was imprisoned.

妈知道后,一次次来接见他,他都一次次拒绝。一封封来信,他连看都不看就付之一炬,他总是说:“我不认识她。His mother went to visit him after she knew what had happened. She was rejected again and again. She sent him many letters but it was left unseen.
He would always say, "I do not know her."

  妈的血液输入大明的体内,大明的脸庞又开始变得红润起来。看着日夜不离左右的妈妈,大明心里真不知是啥滋味,他多想说句感谢妈的话,可一想到十几年前,话到嘴边又咽了回去。As his mother blood flowed in his body, his faced turned red. Looking at his mother who had kept a vigil by his bed he wanted to thank his mother. However, when he thought of what had happened more than ten years ago, he kept quiet again.

出院那天,大明妈留给他一封信,静静地走了。不知怎么回事,这封信对大明来说总觉得比以前的信有吸引力,他想知道信的内容,于是,他将信打开了 On the day that he was discharged, his mother had left him a letter. For some reasons, he wanted badly to know the contents of the letter. He opened the letter,"

My dear child, I have been living in pain and anguish for more than ten years. I have experienced failures and sucess in my career but I have lost my family and you. Many times, I have dreamt of kissing you in my arms. i asked myself repeatedly,"Am I still a mother?" I have blamed myself many times. I have been wearing a mask for my career. I was devastated when I heard about your imprisonment. I would gladly give up my life if I could use it in exchange for your imprisonment. You are my only mental support. Although I have not been a good mother, but I do not want to lose you.

  大明的双眼模糊了,妈妈的痛苦表情像电影一样在眼前闪现,他的心中像打翻了五味瓶,上下翻滚,两行热泪热下了双颊。此时,他才真真知道了妈妈的一切确实不容易。他犹豫再三,决定给妈写一封信。Da Ming's eyes blurred. He felt his mother's pain and anguish. After much deliberation, he decided to write a letter to his mother.

  “妈妈,请您原谅儿子的不孝、不懂事,我错了,我错怪了妈妈,没想到妈心里装着别人看不出来的苦衷,都怨我自己不争气,不去好好做人,才落得如今下场,让您的心又……。妈,请您放心,我一定会听政府的话,踏实改造,同时,我也会加倍去珍惜妈妈给我的这份迟来的爱……。"Mum, please forgive me for being un filial. I am wrong. I have misunderstood you. I did not know your masked anguish. Its all my doing for landing up in the prison. I will listen to the government and change my ways. I will treasure this delayed love that you have given me."

Its posted online and I am just trying to do a translation. It may not be correct. Please correct me if you spot any mistakes.