
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Caught this performance on the recent charity show.

I tried to upload my copy from the dvd but I still haven't found a way to do it. This copy is extracted from Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khl4Y7UFRO0

My "moral education" lessons in class are actually based on 弟子规, one can imagine my excitement when I caught this on television. I wonder if 弟子规 is now taught in Shuqun Primary School?

Some miscellaneous information:

1.The students performing are from Shuqun Primary School, the alma mater of a Nus Wushu Alumni.

2. I mentioned 弟子规 briefly to her when we were attending another wushu girl's wedding (the school which she is teaching at is teaching 弟子规though) although I wonder if she still remembers the conversation or if she had caught the show.

A letter

Most of my students from last year are now in the care of another teacher. She did a lesson on the recent Haiti earthquake and showed me the letter that "orange"

By the way, I really need to clarify the misconception that I'm a good teacher. I wish it was true but sad to say , even though my 3 year bond in teaching is almost up, I am still sadly lacking in many areas.

The Road Ahead

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My bond is ending soon.
To stay or to leave?