I have finally done the deed

Friday, January 22, 2010

I am taking the other extreme end in my school


True, I am only taking them for health education but it can be quite nerve racking.

For one, they seemed to tower over me when they stand up.

Second, the first topic is on puberty.

I could have skim through the topic and go through what was in the activity book.


  • Last year, there were 12,222 cases of abortion.
  • Most of it were done on umarried adult women.
  • Teenage abortion accounted for 1,289 of last year's total 12,222.
  • Children reaching puberty at an earlier age (not normal, not good, it simply means aging is hasten)
  • More children engaging in sex at an earlier age and getting pregnant (not normal, not good)
It was definitely awkward for me. I could feel my heart beating faster when its time for the P6 lessons. But as a teacher, I definitely feel that they must be exposed to the right information and values, rather than stumbling upon wrong information online that could potentially ruined their life in time to come.

I got many valuable information through this physician's talk and book.

No wonder my friend used to say having too much sex is damaging to one's health, turns out he was right after all -_-

Happy New Year

Haha ok I know its a bit late, but better late than never.

I have opted to take P2 this year(Actually my first choice was P1 but they gave me my second choice ). Some people might think it sounds like downgrading but I seriously think it can be very meaningful teaching the little ones. They are young and impressionable, the best time to build a good and solid foundation. It's hard to kick the bad habits once they are formed and it can be tiring not to mention potentially frustrating for the teachers doing the fire fighting for the older children.

Admittedly, it was a culture shock for me in the beginning. Questions were met with blank faces and doubts on how to interact with them linger constantly on my mind. But I realise that they can be quite cute.

An extract on what happened yesterday.

Me: Those who have finished your work can go to the reading corner.
Some students then grudgingly stopped talking and went to the reading corner.

Me: You can take out the stools and mats.

Student: Really??

Me: Yes

The students then started to lay out the mats and a stool. One of them became the "principal" , sat on the stool and held a big book in her hands. The rest of them took off their shoes and sat on the mats in front of the "principal". Other students seemed to take an interest in the reading corner and started asking for permission to go to the corner. The "principal" even commanded approaching students to take off their shoes before entering the corner.


I am thinking of how to dress up the reading corner to make it even more fun for the little ones.